The 7th Annual Oddfellows Charity Disc Golf Tournament: Supporting Mental Health and the 24 Hour Crisis Line

The 7th Annual Oddfellows Charity Disc Golf Tournament: Supporting Mental Health and the 24 Hour Crisis Line

As we gear up for the 7th annual Oddfellows Charity Disc Golf Tournament, we are excited to continue our tradition of supporting mental health and the 24 hour crisis line at VI Crisis. Our previous six events have been an wonderful success, and we are proud to have made a meaningful impact on the community through the combined efforts of our sponsors, participants, and volunteers.

Mental health is an ongoing issue, and the work that VI Crisis does through their crisis line and outreach to schools is vital to addressing this issue. We wanted to share some recent statistics from the executive director of VI Crisis that demonstrate the positive impact of their services:

  • In 2021-2022, VI Crisis received 39,059 calls, 1,001 chat/texts, and completed a total of 40,060 interactions.
  • 625 interventions were made to 911, resulting in lives being saved.
  • 15,917 callers were asked about suicide, and 16% of those received a suicide risk review.
  • 2,184 referrals were made to mental health crisis services.

This year’s tournament will take place on June 10, 2023, and we are thrilled to invite you to participate. Our player registration fee is $155, and this includes PayPal fees. Our goal is to raise as much money as possible to support VI Crisis and Mary’s Farm and Sanctuary . We will limit the number of players to approximately 100, so we encourage you to register early to secure your spot. We have also implemented a new streamlined registration process to make it easier than ever to sign up. You can register by visiting our tickets page.

In addition to player registration, we are also seeking sponsors for the tournament. Our standard corporate ask is for $500, and there is also a $1,000 Gold Sponsor option. We are also accepting feature prizes that can be used to support the causes and participants further. All sponsors will have their logo displayed on our website, scorecards, Facebook event page, and will receive verbal recognition at the tournament’s prize and social event.

We are grateful for the support of our sponsors, participants, and volunteers, and we look forward to another successful tournament. We are dedicated to making a difference in the community, and we hope you will join us in supporting this worthy cause.

2022 Odd Fellows Disc Golf Tournament

2022 Odd Fellows Disc Golf Tournament

2022 Odd Fellows Disc Golf Update

 To date, Odd Fellows Columbia 2, in collaboration with Bastion 4 and Victoria Lodge 1, our annual Disc Golf Jamborees have raised over $98,400 to help support charities that are close to our hearts.

We’re stoked that we can turn fun and engaging events such as Disc Golf into much-needed funding for charities such the Vancouver Island Crisis Society, where donations help keep their crisis lines open 24/7. That’s comforting news considering that last year alone, the crisis team had a 9% increase in calls, translating into over 42,000 calls. Not to mention handling a huge uptick in text and online chat support, which has been particularly popular with today’s youth.

Fundraising events are also a cornerstone to Blossoming at the Farm’s ability to remain open and provide therapeutic and nature-based educational offerings to children and youth in our community. The need for accessible access to therapeutic animals and land continues to grow as children and youth navigate the complexities of the world we live in. The farm supports neuro-diverse participants with child honouring, strength-based services and believes that no one should be turned away due to financial considerations.

To make a difference, we encourage you to pick up tickets, donate a prize, volunteer or become a valued sponsor for this year’s disc golf event. If you are interested in sponsoring or donating a prize please contact Dave P at 250-881-6297 and is you are interested in playing, buy your ticket here.

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