9th Annual Odd Fellows Charity DISC Golf Tournament

June 7th 2025

Columbia #2 And Bastion #4 Odd Fellows are proud to present the 9th Annual Odd Fellows Disc Golf Tournament


Mary’s Farm and Sanctuary
1128 Finlayson Arm Rd.


June 7, 2025
9 AM – 6:30 PM


Bus transportation
Food, drinks, prizes
Custom Odd Fellows disc




Vancouver Island Crisis Society
Blossoming at the Farm


A Full Day of fun and food

We have you covered for the full day including everything you need to make it the “best day of the year” with your friends. All you need to do is show up for the fun and we do the rest!!

We will keep you well-fed throughout the day with multiple options including a pig that will be roasting on a spit and some tasty dishes from some local recognized preparers.

Complimentary alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages throughout the course. Participants will also have the option to purchase a special cocktail or two designed by one of our industry veterans.


Never played disc golf? This is a great time to knock that off your bucket list! Disc golf is essentially golf with a Frisbee! It’s much easier to learn disc golf than ball golf and we will be there to help you get the hang of it! Don’t own a Frisbee? We will be giving you an official Odd Fellows disc that you get to keep as part of your entry fee!

COST – $165

Bus Transportation

A complimentary ride from several Victoria locations for a safe pick up and return after your day of fun.


Branded Disc

Every player receives a new disc to play with that has the unique Odd Fellows event branding designed specially for this year!

Food and Prizes

So many delicious and tasty bites made to satisfy all tastes paired with so many prizes for you to win!!

With the purchase of your ticket you will receive a full day of disc golf, food, prizes and everything you need to enjoy the day!


Everyone is entered into our premium prize draw.

So many delicious and tasty bites made to satisfy all tastes paired with so many prizes for you to win!!

Complimentary Alcoholic and non-Alcholic Beverages

Complimentary alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages throughout the course.

Lucky you, you don’t have to carry a cooler around with you during your game. Instead, we’ve got you covered with complimentary drinks which will be provided throughout the course.

Food anD Drink

We will keep you well-fed throughout the day with multiple options including a pig that will be roasting on a spit and tasty dishes from our crew.




Whether you are a beginner or a bit of a pro, Blossoming at the Farm is the perfect setting to let loose and see where the game takes you. Set on beautiful land with natural obstacles, playing a round of disc golf on this course always proves to be a fun and relaxing time for all. Don’t own a Frisbee? We will be giving you an official Odd Fellows disc that you get to keep as part of your entry fee!


2025 details to be confirmed.

9:00-10:00 AM: Meet at Belleville’s. Breakfast concludes by 10:00 AM. Parking available at own risk in the back lot of Belleville’s; vehicles can stay until Sunday morning.

10:00/10:15 AM: Buses depart Belleville’s for Staples Parking Lot at 780 Tolmie Ave. Complimentary coffee by Shatterbox Coffee Company available at Staples.

10:30/10:45 AM: Buses leave Staples for Mary’s Farm.

11:15 – 11:30 AM: Buses arrive at Mary’s Farm (1128 Finlayson Arm Road). Registration and finalization of foursomes.

11:45 AM – 12:00 PM: Course/Disc Golf & Contest Prizes Sales, Instructions, and Specifics on respecting Mary’s Farm.

12:00 PM: Golf Round Begins.

2:30 – 3:00 PM: Golf Round completed. Drop off scorecards near pig roast.

3:00 – 5:30 PM: Post Round Social with a band (Dallin Paul with Mike Ferguson), Presentation by Charity, Post Round Prize Draws.

5:45/6:30 PM: Buses depart back to Staples and then Belleville’s.



10:30/10:45 AM: Buses leave Belleville’s for Staples store parking lot just North of Mayfair and then for Mary’s Farm.

11:15 – 11:30 AM: Buses Arrival at Mary’s Farm.

5:45/6:30 PM: Buses departs back to Staples store parking lot just North of Mayfair and then Belleville’s.

Who we support

Disc Golf Tournament funds raised to date: Over the past 9 years, the Annual Odd Fellows’ Disc Golf Tournament has raised over $200,000 to support the Vancouver Island Crisis Society and over $30,000 to support Mary’s Farm and Sanctuary.

All profits from this event will be donated to the Vancouver Island Crisis Society and Blossoming at the Farm, aka Mary’s Farm and Sanctuary. The Vancouver Island Crisis Society is committed to providing an accessible, 24-hour, telephone crisis and suicide prevention, intervention service, including postvention programs. They provide emotional support during times of crisis, information about community resources, education intended to promote community wellness and reduce the incidence of suicide. Mary’s Farm has a mission to provide accessible, inclusive, and sustainable programming where all children and youth have access to nature-based learning environments. They provide therapeutic and nature-based educational offerings to children and youth in our community.

Vancouver island crisis line

The Vancouver Island Crisis Society is contracted by Island Health to provide the Vancouver Island Crisis Line service to the entire island, the islands of the Georgia Strait, and the mainland communities between Powell River and Rivers Inlet.

We are a registered non-profit agency whose services include 24-hour Crisis Lines, as well as Crisis Chat and Crisis Text services, through which we provide short-term nonjudgemental support, crisis intervention, information, and resources; training in schools with youth, teachers, counsellors, and parents; suicide bereavement support throughout Vancouver Island, as well as regional consultation and workshops regarding suicide bereavement support; and various workshops and customized training addressing suicide prevention, crisis intervention, and communication skills and other three-hour workshops for individuals and agencies throughout our communities.

blossoming at mary’s farm

Blossoming at The Farm is located at Mary’s Farm and Sanctuary, just minutes to the Westshore, on Vancouver Island.

Blossoming at The Farm is a non-profit society that offers therapeutic services and educational programming for children and youth.

Programs on the farm include a Forest School offering, full time Learning Community, Barn Buddies after school program, SisterHerd group, BrotherHerd group, Horse Club, Behaviour Intervention and one on one Therapeutic Sessions for children and youth with special needs, gifts and opportunities.

Gold Tournament SPonsors

Hecklers Comedy Club


Website Design and Marketing

Tournament SPonsors

Hecklers Comedy Club
Hecklers Comedy Club


Hecklers Comedy Club
Hecklers Comedy Club
Hecklers Comedy Club
Hecklers Comedy Club


2022 Odd Fellows Disc Golf Tournament

2022 Odd Fellows Disc Golf Tournament

To date, Odd Fellows Columbia 2, in collaboration with Bastion 4 and Victoria Lodge 1, our annual Disc Golf Jamborees have raised over $98,400 to help support charities that are close to our hearts.

Odd Fellows annual disc Golf
Chairty Tournament

Odd Fellows Columbia #2
1315 Douglas St, Victoria, BC V8W 2E9
Organizer: Kelly Ketcheson
[email protected]


Website Development Andy Bernhart | Copyright Columbia #2 Odd Fellows | Photography – Joel Rushworth

Video Production – Jack Adamson

Malcare WordPress Security